Cleanliness And Hygiene Project
Cleanliness and hygiene are values inculcated in every home but then the implementation too finds itself restricted to the home or work areas, in short,our immediate surroundings or spaces that we use. The Cleanliness and Hygiene Project aims not just at personal cleanliness and hygiene but at ‘Total Cleanliness and hygiene’. Total hygiene implies physical, mental and intellectual hygiene and all these at personal as well as at community level.
Community hygiene denotes paying attention to the cleanliness of our surrounding. The Cleanliness Campaign Program promotes a sense of responsibility and accountability to keep one’s environment tidy. A vibrant team of volunteers regularly offers services in General Hospitals, Schools, Old age homes, places of worship, etc.
All of these services are done with the help of and under the guidance of the relevant authorities of the Foundation. In case of beach cleanliness drives the Foundation and its volunteer’s co-ordinate, along with the civic authorities.
Cleanliness Drive – Cleaning Activities At One Of The Hospital Premises.

- Cleaning is getting rid of dirt or harmful substances. Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Bapu has always stressed the importance of cleanliness and hygiene at all levels.
- As described earlier these cleanliness campaigns by volunteers of the Foundation clean various public facilities and their premises. These drives cover General Hospitals, Schools, Old Age Homes, places of worship, etc.
- Every year on the next day of Ganesh idols immersion (the 7th and the 10th day) volunteers from the foundation clean beaches all along the coast of Mumbai and clear the parts of the immersed idols that have not got dissolved in the water but have drifted back to the shores. These drives and campaigns not only cleanse the minds of all those involved in it but also bring them closer within themselves and with others.
- The happy faces of children and teachers in schools, the smiles on the faces of the staff, the patients and the visitors of hospitals, the good wishes of common citizen on the beaches say it all.
- The teams of volunteers from Cleanliness and Hygiene Project have also been helping the farmers and other villagers to construct bunds there by reducing the scarcity of water and also helping the build level of ground water by arresting and percolating water.